Stephen A. Ridley Profile picture I write. I take photos. I used to break software. Built stuff that broke stuff at Xipiter. former VC-backed founder. Professor at NYU. etc.

Apr 15, 2023, 26 tweets

What do Julius Caesar, Andrew Jackson, Alexander Hamilton, President James Garfield, and Abraham Lincoln have in common?

They were targeted with assassination after they tried to end Central Banks.

These are some of my notes from last couple years of reading:

Let's start with Caesar. After years of financial turmoil (inflation, etc). Caesar went against central bankers to reform the economy and seized control of the Treasury. tried return Rome to a citizen/government owned bank and not a private one.

He was assassinated after.

Many have speculated that Caesar's death was at the behest of Central Bankers. (tenable) After his assassination, we do know for sure that the Roman Republic would devolve into the "Empire" phase.

Jumping to Lincoln. He created "greenbacks" a central U.S. "dollar" to use as a tool to unite the North and south financially. Lincoln had Salmon P. Chase pass the "National Banking Act" to protect the issuing banks.

5 days after the bill was passed Lincoln was assassinated.

The sequence of events isnt the only datapoint for the connection to Central Bankers.

Otto Von Bismarck implicitly blamed Lincoln assassination on bankers:

But that's not the only source.
A Canadian Minister named McGeer in the 1930s also blamed bankers for the Lincoln Assassination

There was a claim that John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln Assassin) was bragging that people in Europe had put him up to it

McGeer referred to the conspiring group of bankers the "Sound Money" group which ironically is a term we hear a lot now "sound money" and "sound fiscal policy" etc.

8 months after the death of Lincoln they instituted the gold standard. The Bankers immediately demonetized silver (plentiful in America and being used as currency) and moved to a gold (rare in america) as the central currency.…

Andrew Jackson tried to kill the Second Bank of America (aptly named because it was the second attempt at a Central Bank). Nicholas Biddle (who was in charge of the bank) manipulated the media and papers to oppose Jackson. When this didnt work, they tried to kill Jackson.

When the assassination attempt failed, Biddle forced the economy into a depression using the power of the bank, and blame Jackson. This too didnt work. Jackson he went on to kill the Second Bank Of America's charters. Thus ending the America's second Central Bank

Three years after one of America's first financial depressions Garfield was elected. He blamed the artificial depression on Central Bankers.

He was assassinated (on 2 July 1881) a few weeks after saying this:

The Rothschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs and their vassals: Rockefellers, Morgans, Vanderbilts, and Carnegies met at Jekyll Island to figure out how to build a private central bank. They called it the "First Names Club" cuz they didnt want the staff of the resort to know who they were

Woodrow Wilson is credited for trying to create what would later be referred to as "Stalinist" censorship regimes in USA. You might remember this from the recent Nina Jankowicz "Disinformation Governance Board" debacle. (which i collaged at the time)

Woodrow Wilson campaigned to end Central Bank if he won presidency and his fellow Democrats won Congress.
He was elected and democrats swept congress.
Then they did a 180.
They supported the Bank, passed Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and created income tax.

Fun Fact:
It takes 3/4ths of Congress to Amend the Constitution (more than normal bills). The 16th amendment implemented Federal Income Taxes (to pay for the Central Bank).
They never got the votes, and passed it anyway.
Many say the 16th Amendment is illegal.

By his second term Woodrow Wilson was beginning to realize how bad an idea the Central bank was. He said this:

Then on his deathbed he said this about the Federal Reserve Act.....but the damage was already done, there was a privately controlled, unelected bank at the center of the American center of government.

The Federal Reserve is the REASON we have Federal Income Tax. The Federal Reserve bond scheme is "paid back" using money collected Income Taxes! (some dispute this, but effectively the "National Debt" is financed largely by tax payers).

Prior to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and the 16th Amendment, "federal income taxes" has been ruled unconstitutional TWICE by the Supreme Court.

Fun Fact: JP Morgan "saved" but the bankers themselves actually caused the Great Depression. JP Morgan seized opportunity as "land grab".

Woodrow Wilson seems like he was a fountain of terrible ideas.

I could go into a whole thread on the Warburgs, Rothschilds and Schiffs, Great Depression and WW2. and linking to modern-day politicians like Jamie Raskin et al. a thread for another time. Suffice to say:
JP Morgan died "poor"
Many think he was a front-man for European bankers.

American struggles with Central Bank throughout history are not unique, for many of these Central Banks "link up" in Basel at the BIS.
(video from @financelancelot)

Jack Ma was silenced for opposing the Chinese communist party (CCP). This is what the media claimed. If you pull the transcript of his speech, you see that actually he was speaking out against the Central Banking system in Basel.

This thread was completed days later here:

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