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Applied ecologist @The_WERG, UniMelbourne Conservation science, structured decision-making, spatial modelling, waterways research #FlyingLess #NoFlyForWork

Apr 16, 2023, 8 tweets

Minister Plibersek claims "Businesses tell me all the time that they want to invest in nature because their shareholders, customers and staff are demanding it"

But what do businesses ACTUALLY say in their submissions on the #NatureRepairMarket bill? 🧵…

The Australian Sustainable Finance Institute is
💠unclear about where the private demand for #NatureRepairMarket credits will come from in the short to medium term, beyond philanthropy

The Carbon Market Institute makes upbeat noises about #NatureRepairMarket before
💠admitting there've "only been a few nature-positive market transactions globally" &
💠calling for a "thorough analysis of demand and supply" plus "stimulus options" for market participation

Greening Australia notes there's
💠No govt modelling identifying the size & scale of the #NatureRepairMarket
💠Nor any "statutory drivers to participate in the market"
💠Worries abt "sufficient demand & supply"
💠Calls for govt investment/intervention to ⬇️ risk of market failure

Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia makes direct play for public $$, calls for
💠Public funds to demonstrate #NatureRepairMarket project development & to grow the market
💠Concessional equity fund (public funds again!) to "leverage private sector capital"

EY notes
💠unclear supply & demand proposition of the #NatureRepairMarket
💠unclear economic value of biodiversity market investments

Makes play for public funds with call for
💠Govt commitment to purchasing biodiversity certificates to "boost demand" & "create market certainty"

WWF-Australia notes
💠Govt vagueness on private demand for #NatureRepairMarket biodiversity certificates
💠Lack of broad & substantial private investment in biodiversity on voluntary terms alone

Calls for
💠clear pathway, timeline & measures to stimulate private demand

NatureFinance & partners talk up "surge in international interest", then pivot to
💠need to stimulate private sector demand for #NatureRepairMarket biodiversity certificates/credits beyond voluntary, altruistic appeal

Call for
💠"legislative efforts to stipulate the demand"

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