MerryMichaelW ☭ #Socialism #Equality 🇵🇸 🍉🐝 Profile picture
🍇🥂 #Socialist - Marxist_Leninist_Stalinist 🫧⚒️🫧 🇵🇸#PALESTINE🇵🇸 #Yemen🇾🇪 #Russia🇷🇺 China🇨🇳 66🇨🇺 #DPRK #JuChe🇰🇵 _ ✌🏻#BRICS✌🏻 🚫#Imperialism🚫

Apr 16, 2023, 10 tweets

Right. There are THREE separate processes that take place #ONTHEGROUND in an Election, and we on the #Socialist side are as yet not too clear about what exactly the are, or what they are really for! 😊😊😊🤔

A brief thread.🧵

Firstly, there is #LEAFLETTING.

This is the simple #DISSEMINATIONOFINFORMATION: message, manifesto or major campaign issue.

Pros: simple, can be achieved by few, good coverage.

Cons: goes straight in the bin, also can annoy.


Secondly, there is #DOORKNOCKING.

This is #ENGAGEMENT; all-out proselytisation - the #SELLING of the policies of the party, the qualities of the candidate and basically reaching out to each member of the electorate! 😊😊😊🫱🏼‍🫲🏻🫱🏼‍🫲🏻🫱🏼‍🫲🏻


Pros: we go to them; they do not come to us. This is the opposite of sitting/standing by a stall ... the favoured spot for our militant #Socialist ... 😉😊 Also, #PRESENCE!

Cons: requires many people; not all are personable, let alone good at selling; needs discipline.


Thirdly, and Finally, there is #CANVASSING!

This is #GATHERINGOFINFORMATION, so the opposite of the first action. 😊

Not many people have a clue how this is done at all, let alone properly!!! 😊


You will need a CSV of your Constituency Electoral Roll, obtainable by your appointed/elected agent from your local Council Elections Officer - someone to keep well onside at ALL times!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤔


You will need a Nerd, to translate by spreadsheet the CER into individual sheets, each covering a street or streets of approximately 100 electors per sheet, down the left hand side, to be marked with the following column headings:


Property No.
Will/Can vote(Y/N)
Party 1(✅/❌)
Party 2(✅/❌)
Party 3(✅/❌)
Party 4(✅/❌)
Party 5(✅/❌)
Party 6(✅/❌)
Will not say( O )
Requires Poster: RP
Requires Assistance{pets/children}(✅/❌)
Requires Lift{mobility/disability}(✅/❌)


Gathering this information, is the most important process of any election, and on the left, it is rarely done properly, if it is done at all. The marked sheets are the key to winning any Constituency, and without them, the agent and candidate are flying in the dark.


These sheets can tell you where to #DOORKNOCK, where another #LEAFLETTING will be worthwhile, and especially WHERE NOT TO WASTE YOUR TIME. Also target where a public meeting will have most effect. 😊

#CANVASS!!! 😊😊😊❤️


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