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All Power to The People! parent of 3. anti imperialist + anti capitalist veteran. documenting + archiving. Rust Belt'ing.

Apr 17, 2023, 19 tweets

Justice For Jayland
APD are the violent outside agitators who are NOT community members and never will be.

📸 in Akron. There are Justice For Jayland signs all over the city today.
"Why haven't seen Justice For Jayland? Period." #JaylandWalker

Freedom BLOC and some churches are holding space for the 330 press conference.
Justice For Jayland.
No Justice. No Streets
🚨🚨🚨 Breaking. 330pm
Press conference

Fuck this.

Justice For Jayland
large community gathering happening @ St Ashworth in Akron.
Solidarity memorial sent from Minneapolis + George Floyd Square @GeorgeFloydSQ stands strong as winds+ rain come down.
No Justice. No Streets.
From Akron to Minneapolis ✊
in Love, Rage + Solidarity

Yall come outside Akron
Pigs trying to fuck with community gathering at St Ashworth

Justice For Jayland
Fuck Summit Co Sheriff
Fuck APD

We're mobile like water
No Justice. No Streets

This grey truck has attempted to run community members over at Jayland Walker's memorial on E Wilbeth twice already. Working on a plate #...but lil hectic.

Blocks of the city are shut down around E Wilbeth and it's only growing yall. 100s out right now
Akron come outside.
Jayland didnt get NO JUSTICE
Akron gets NO STREETS.
This is just a small walk on the block. Eyes on Akron.
SWAT and feds lurking close.

100s of vehicles in a mobile caravan downtown Akron right now
No Justice. No Streets.
Abolish APD

Possibly attempting to slowly start a kettle downtown.
APD gonna start a riot.
Justice For Jayland.
Still out here.

SWAT tank is out.
APD and Summit County Sheriffs everywhere.
Everybody is at the I Promise on W Market St right now.
No Justice No Streets

Come to W Market.
We need People Power.

Whos streets? Our streets?
Move back

Fuck 12.
How do you spell murderer? APD

before the People dispersed the pigs from W Market St in Akron, this APD oinker was itching to start to brutalize...
these are the violent outside agitators. not the community.

Night Akron.
Jayland Walker should still be here.
Tomorrow, we hit the streets again.
Handful of arrests tonight.
Thanks to @NLGnews and @Akron_Bail_Fund for supporting.
Stay safe. Stay dangerous.
We Keep Us Safe.
Catch you on the flip side 🎆 🎇

Couple protesters were arrested last night...some for MARIJUANA.
APD is gonna lie + say they made no "protest related arrests" bc we have a phone book filled w Civil Liberties violations. They arrested people leaving the caravan + protests. Yes, APD was charging for marijuana 🤡

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