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Engineer, Entrepreneur, Analyst, Observer, Social Worker, Proud Indian, President : @SamarpanamIND NGO

Apr 18, 2023, 10 tweets

Thread : Crimes of #AtikAhmed

All together 160+ cases had been registered on Atik and his family with illegal revenues worth 11,684 Crores. Taking advantage of the political environment of the state he formed a syndicate that indulged in extortion & land grabbing.


Atiq was nothing short of a terrorist for those who have lived in Prayagraj. Roaming around with illegal arms, threatening, abusing, land grabbing, kidnapping people in Civil Lines market in broad daylight was just a finger snap for him.

Jayshree Kushwaha who has been fighting with Atik Ahmed for 33 years, Her husband was killed as he protested against Atik Ahmed after Atiq took illegal possession of 12 bighas of land. Later her son was shot seven times by Atiq’s men & even she has bullet mark on her back.

Atik Ahmed had many dreaded crimes but the most horrifying one was in the year 1991 when he kiled his political contestant ( ex boss ) Chand Mohammed in broad daylight. Atiq peeled the skin off Chand Mohammad's body alive and threw the skin at a Market Chauraha.


25th Jan 2005 MLA Raju Pal who defeated Atik brother Ashraf was on his way to attend a function. Two scorpio trailing Raju's car cornered him & many rounds of bullet were fired on Pal. That's not the worse part, What happened after shooting is the blood curdling stuff to hear.

Immediately after the attack,
Raju Pal's supporters put his body in a tempo and drive towards hospital. Now this news reaches Atiq. He sends his 15 shooters back in hospital, attacks again to make sure that Raju Pal is dead. Later Ashraf defeats Raju's wife in by poll election.

In 2006, Atik Ahmed with armed men barged into the home of NOIDA authority chairman & one of the most powerful bureaucrats of U.P. He misbehaved with his elderly mother & wreaked havoc openly for 40 min.He left the place only after IAS lobby from center pressured SP govt.


#AtikAhmed would enter into university fearlessly with his armed thugs and slap around people, professor's and even Vice Chancellor.

Atik's wife who is absconding is also known as Lady Don in Prayagraj. When Atik used to be behind the bar, she along with her 5 sons used to run Atik's empire. One son kiled in an encounter in Umesh Pal case while 4 are behind the bars in cases of murder, extortion & eve teasing.

2018,Rule of law has been long dead for Atiq who while being in Deoria jail managed to get Mohit jaiswal kidnapped from his office,dropped off in his jail cell,beaten viciously & forced to sign his properties worth Cr over to his friends. Even judges were afraid to hear Atk cases

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