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Apr 18, 2023, 9 tweets

@AliExpress_EN / #aliexpress ' customer chat monitoring AI bans the word "fans".

You gotta write "Hey, where did my order of [computer spinny things that move air] go?

Is this some Winnie the Pooh AI screwup?

No surprise. AI is already loose in "customer support" and infamous WE WILL CHEAT YOU dispute section.

The majority of sellers are still honest. The platform is determined to protect the bad actors and drag everyone else down.

"Wolf warrior" = shit for brain biz strategy

ANOTHER HILARIOUS 'machine stupidity' screw-up possibility:

The reason my [computer fans] didn't reach me is that the shipper in China flagged them as prohibited and -perhaps- returned them to the seller.

Normally that happens with lithium batteries and other flammable goods

.... but the shipper was probably CAINIO, an ALIX subsidiary.

So what if the blocklist got shared?

Do any shipments of [computer spinny things that move air] got flagged 'n rejected ???

Oh brave new world!

Where the Winnie Xi Pooh are my 4x 120mm air pushie thangs ???

I wanted to build a sleek, quiet corsi box mod.

Looks like I will have to make do with some hideous packing tape mess made of cut up coroplast lawn signs and a fan caked with nicotine goo found by the side of the road.
(oven cleaner is yo friend)

If they EVER show up, use em for 4x Lawn mower air filter usb power bank personal filters

THe REASON I wanted to build the 4x 120mm PC fan Corsi box (2x IKEA filters) was that I could have used a $2 PIR switch module so that it powered on when the


...would benefit

Unfortunately the multi-press control panels of modern appliances do NOT lend themselves to hacking in a simple cheap PIR switch.

Which BTW are fantastic for retrofitting old porch lights, etc.

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