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Apr 19, 2023, 8 tweets

I'm Not Your Whore

Zoro x Sanji | #ZOSAN AU πŸ”ž,

β€” work of fiction
β€” bxb
β€” contains harsh word
β€” nsfw πŸ”ž

1. πŸ₯€

2. πŸ₯€

3. πŸ₯€

4. πŸ₯€

5. πŸ₯€ Narasi; Di dalam mobil

cw: nsfw, explicit πŸ”ž
πŸ“Œ followers only

β€” Fin.
Kalau rame, mungkin lanjut.

These days, there's a social media AU that i'm writing for fun; if you follow me (@zosanaru), expect them to show up occasionally.

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