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Apr 20, 2023, 7 tweets

PERSONAL UPDATE: My cat - Bruce Willis - is still missing. First week of May, your donations for a reward will all be refunded. Im exceedingly sad and I miss my boy, but I don’t think he’s coming home. I’d like to update you on what I’ve done in the meantime. 1/

While out looking for Bruce (which had to be funny - me walking the streets shouting BRUCE WILLIS at the top of my lungs and shaking a can of cat treats), I noticed I was being followed by a MASSIVE, hungry Tom Cat who still had his troublepuffs™️2/

I decided rescue him. I called all the neighbors to make sure he was a stray, picked him up, got him neutered, vaccinated, & groomed (he was covered in flea dirt), and brought him home. We got along FAMOUSLY. I named him Wilford (because he clearly resembles Wilford Brimley.) 3/

Meanwhile, I was checking Craigslist for lost and found (Bruce) tuxedo cats. I ran into these two - a brother and sister bonded pair who needed a home. So I took them in. I’ve named them Stache (the sister) and Stove (the brother. Named after stove from the movie Bridesmaids.) 4/

But Wilford was NOT good with other cats. So rehomed Wilford with a wonderful single mom and her non-binary teen (who reeeeally wanted a pet), and now they’re living happily ever after. 5/

And then finally, after four months of searching for Bruce Willis, I decided it was time to adopt a kitten, so I’ve rescued this little guy - a Ragdoll - who I’ve taken to calling Senator Potat. He’s 9 weeks old. He plays fetch, cuddles, and purrs like a tractor trailer. 6/

Now that I’ve grieved the loss of Bruce - shortly after losing my other boy Boobah to lymphoma - I’m ready to start sharing photos of the new babies as part of #Caturday. Thank you again for all your help, kind words, and support. I love you, Bruce - wherever you are. END/

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