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A Proud Hindu Brahmin 🕉

Apr 20, 2023, 8 tweets

Our #Vedas

The Vedic literature is composed of many books. The oldest texts are the Rig-veda, Yajur-veda, Sama-veda, and the Atharva-veda.

It is said in the Muktikopanishad that these four Vedas had 21, 109, 1000, and 50 branches respectively, with over 100,000 verses.


Now, however, we can only find around 20,023 (some say 20,379) verses in total from these four Vedas.

The Vedas were put in written form around 5500+ years ago. The Vedas reveal their wisdom and philosophies by means of nature.


The Vedas reveal answers about purpose and role of all existence. They also give information on living the life in tune with nature to achieve long lasting happiness, health and peace.


Rig Veda (book of praises) talks abt key gods,on creation,philosophical foundations and life priorities of early Vedic people. Parts of these are chanted during the most major ceremonies of Hindus.
An expert called a Hotri provides, Rig Vedic chanting during major ceremonies.👇

Yajur Veda (book of worship) concerns with the performance of major ceremonies & rituals of the Yajnas. An expert called an Advaryu, handles the construction of sacrificial pit during major ceremonies.

Sama Veda (book of songs) takes key mantras of Rig Veda and sings it in a poetical style. Along with its attached Upaveda (Vedic texts without spiritual importance) of Gandharva Veda, This is the foundation of India’s classical music.

And expert called an Udgata, sings the melodies that in the presence of substances like Soma juice can take the listener to ecstasy.

Atharvana Veda (book of the stable mind) provides key concepts around medicine (through its attached Upaveda of Ayurvedha), regular ceremonies (such as marriages and funerals) and some of the key foundations of India’s mathematics and sciences.

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