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Apr 20, 2023, 11 tweets

Below are a few leaked pages of the YouTube “controversial twiddler” blacklist. This is a list of topics which, instead of returning related results, will show the user a curated set of topics similar to but different than the content they were looking for.


As you can see from these and the above images, Google and YouTube do not want you finding content which relates to the Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley.

The next four pages are just variants on the Paddock terms, the only things of note here are bans on content related Paddock’s career with the DOD.

Devin Kelley, Rancho Tehama, Sam Hyde, Chris Ward

Information related many recent shootings is also censored, returning carefully written mainstream news articles instead of any alternative sources.

Google will return only “safe” results when searches regarding crisis actors are made. Very specific terms are also banned which can be associated with old blog posts which are critical of germ theory.

“afnandolay-12753” “afnandolay-10486”

If you search for “Gun Owners of America” @GunOwners on YouTube or Google you will be given alternate results.
Results related to the New York Port Authority bombing are also heavily filtered and censored.

Pro-life search results are heavily restricted, with all the most common search variants on the topic filtered to return only curated information.

Information related to the Antonov-148 is filtered.

More pro-life search restrictions. Terms related to the repeal of the 8th Amendment in Ireland are also restricted. Results related to The Irish Family Planning Association are heavily filtered.

Many configurations of searches related to Anthony Bourdain are heavily censored.

Make no mistake, this is government censorship conducted via corporations which appear private on the surface in order to allow our intelligence and security agencies to infringe on rights while ignoring the law.


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