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@yejinterest 's writing acc. https://t.co/UQ8UKjDzEk ; itzy always, in all ways.

Apr 20, 2023, 24 tweets

❝ π‹πžπ­π­πžπ«π¬ & π“πžπšπ«π¬ ❞
β•°β”ˆβž€ unsaid thoughts, sleepless nights. I'm here, reading the same letter you gave me for the last time.

#ryejiau β€’ a one-shot au.

a/n: πŸ“Œ

Letter and Tears is a work of fanfiction. Ignore the timestamps; grammatical and typographical errors. This was written in taglish.

enjoy reading,

↳ allaina cheonsa hwang
↳ astrid pauline shin

↳ queeny shin
↳ carlei lee
↳ julian choi

LAT, 1.

LAT, 2.

LAT, 3

LAT, 4.

LAT, 5.

LAT, 6.

LAT, 7.

LAT, 8.

LAT, 9.

Lat, 10.

LAT, 11.

LAT, 12.

LAT, 13.

LAT, 14.

LAT, 15.

LAT, 16.

LAT, 17.

LAT, 18.

LAT, 19.

LAT, 20.

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