Kimiko Shibata Profile picture
Mommy, Learner, ESL Specialist, Advocate, Resource Enthusiast, Equity Promoter, Nerd, she/her/elle

Apr 20, 2023, 11 tweets

Great learning with the #WRDSBMLL Elementary Teachers today, on supporting multilingual language learners in Kindergarten and assessing writing.

We made connections between the components of Scarborough's Reading Rope and the Top Ten Tools Writing Systems/Strands. #WRDSBMLL

We need to remember that while we are focusing on phonological awareness and phonics, it doesn't mean that we completely ignore vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and writing skills. All of these skills are interrelated. #WRDSBMLL

We incorporate all language skills into our work with students--using SWiRL. Read more about SWiRL here:… #WRDSBMLL

Effective lesson planning for MLLs includes MLL and classroom teachers collaborating on both language and content area objectives, intentionally choosing materials and accommodations, tapping into prior knowledge and strengths, and more.… #WRDSBMLL

We need to remember that we need products, observations, and conversations to get a fulsome picture of what students can actually do. Gathering evidence in the classroom and co-assessing student evidence of learning with our classroom teaching partners is important.

Teachers examined student writing samples and came to consensus around STEP level in connection to the writing curriculum, and came up with next steps for teaching. We recognized the limitation of a single sample and the need for gathering more data in-class.

We also examined the Writing Map of Development (from First Steps in Literacy-Pearson), which can be found here, and discussed how this intersects with STEPs to language proficiency and which stage of development we observed in the writing samples :…

Teachers dipped into the key points about Home Language in the Kindergarten classroom, and got a sneak peek at the new K-STEP Framework. A few teachers are already piloting this tool in their schools. #WRDSBMLL

K-STEP has more of a focus on translanguaging and honours home language use in the classroom in a way that the other STEP tracking sheets do not (yet... stay tuned!). #WRDSBMLL

Teachers delved into the importance of pedagogical documentation in informing next steps with multilingual learners in Kindergarten, and the importance of collaboration in identifying and supporting students who may have needs that extend beyond typical language learning needs.

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