Scalping Specialist, I Scalp everything Profile picture
Profitable price action trading is about entering EVERY trade with absolute confidence EVERY time STOP LOOK Paying mentors will NOT make you PROFITABLE faster

Apr 21, 2023, 6 tweets

Red news later today, Friday

Inside days on gbpusd, eurgbp and usdjpy yesterday

Easy to see strong levels on gold by looking at wicks and closes


gold d1s, then drop down to m15, massive gaps to fill, maybe add h4s too

It's a plan

I can live on a few pips a day, these gaps are massive

I added a few linechart h1 levels, the gaps are still massive for me

now all I have to do is set alerts and wait for perfect 3cr/rsi/tma signals thru ANY of my levels

You can make it as simple or complicated as you like


D1s about 8 hours later, gold broke down with perfect alerts and signals, all the inside bars will have done too

Draw levels, make a plan, set alerts, RELAX

Easy to draw lines and make a plan

It just takes practice and lots of strict discipline

I don't trade #eurgbp but it was beautiful today

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