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Apr 21, 2023, 11 tweets

AI-generated 3D scene created from photos/videos are insane.

It's called #NeRfs and can be done with @LumaLabsAI or @nvidia

Here's are 10 mind blowing video generated by AI:

1. Dollyzoom Effect by @karenxcheng

2. @franclucent took over a 100+ NVIDIA's NeRFs and put it together in a video.

The video looks awesome.

3. They created NeRF from inside of a volcano while playing catch with a ball 🌋🏈

Done by @nerfstudioteam

4. This is not a drone footage.

It's Zip-NeRF: it’s a modified version of NeRF that uses multi-scale image pyramids to improve rendering quality 👇

5. Instruct-NeRF2NeRF: Editing 3D Scenes with Instructions


6. He created the NeRfs with @LumaLabsAI and processed it with @runwayml
's Gen-1.

Awesome work by @JustMDMZ

7. Text to Physical Search 🔥

Super easy to search for everyday things.

It combines CLIP vectors and NeRF which allows you to quickly search from text descriptions.

8. Created with LumaLabsAI, processed the output via Kaiber AI.

It looks beautiful and mystical.

Another one by @tommyoshima

9. This is perfect for brands advertisement.

This looks really fresh.

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