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when reality hurts too much, sometimes it's okay to live in the dreams for awhile.. reading list: https://t.co/0uzgHiL5DR

Apr 22, 2023, 111 tweets

a #gyuhao spin off au:

perkara liburan
[from perkara jendela universe]

from here;

📌 bxb, this is a work of fiction
🇮🇩 written in bahasa indonesia
⏳️ timestamps matter unless specifically stated before
⚠️ profanities, dry humour, too much memes, awkwardness etc etc


01. markibur mari kita liburaan

02. ke bali?

03. bahas apa hayo

04. beneran?

05. boleh😊

06. sorry

07. lupa?

08. ain't mad, just..

09. ngeyel

10. males

11. sing nggena ae

12. undeliv

13. tebak mall

14. untung

15. people pleaser

16. kemana kemana kemana~

17. cuci muka (kucing)

18. ada notif

19. oh well

20. tabok aja tabok

21. jeng jeng

24. banyak amat dah notifnyeee

25. message nya

26. panik

27. penyesalan datang di akhir gan, kalo di awal namanya pendaftaran

28. attachment issue 🤝🏻 mıngyv

29. jan lupa pulang

30. tetangga asv kirim foto asv

31. minimal ngaca

32. tmi

33. jımbaran

34. elo juga

35. 💩💩

36. punya anak

37. lari

38. nackal


40. sepupu

41. rawon rawon

42. hayoloh ngambek loh

43. eits kena preng

44. dor

45. ada perlu kemana?

46. spam

47. alexa play don't call me by 5hinee.

48. intinya

49. lucu tuh ketawa

50. meme garing

51. kepencet?

52. heran

53. nitenite

54. nah loh

55. nagih janji

56. lupain

57. bukan elo

58. ancaman yang ternyata tidak mempan

59. haø: MALU ANJENG twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

60. tunggu

61. iseng

62. there he is

63. not the first time, but he doesn't care

—dear @typeliketyphoon , thanks for inspiring me with this tweet of yours♡

64. lah kenapa

65. gak ngantuk *hoam* twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

66. teman makan

67. holiday vibes twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

68. tiba-tiba deep

69. onigiri salmon

70. drama

71. cooking

72. christmas tree twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

73. he insists

74. d o m e s t i c

75. glance

77. udah aman?

78. plating

79. kenapa ngga dibawa?

80. buat gue ya?

81. should he?

82. eksyen

83. enak?

84. salting

85. 😳

86. gyū: anyingggg

87. sedikit🤏🏼

trailer chup a yg ngangetin itu:

88. ah masa gitu aja gatau

89. lucu

90. hiyaa wkwk

91. kenapesi

92. lololo ga bahaya ta

93. pasrah ygy

94. dibuka lowongan nerawang pikiran mingyv

95. it's a good night

— the end!

THANK U FRENSS sdh mau baca spin off dari perkara au inii❤️ makasihh sdh bertahan dgn jadwal up yg amburadul jujur seneng bgt bacain qrt² klian huhu

(semua saran, kritik, kesan & pesan silahkan disampaikan melalui qrt/link cc tertera)

love u all,

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