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Applied ecologist @The_WERG, UniMelbourne Conservation science, structured decision-making, spatial modelling, waterways research #FlyingLess #NoFlyForWork

Apr 23, 2023, 8 tweets

Biodiversity offsets have a dismal track record of failure to properly compensate for permitted impacts (NNL) whilst enabling rorting, greenwashing & worse

How do orgs regard the use of biodiversity certificates/credits as offsets in #NatureRepairMarket?🧵

Orgs that WANT/SUPPORT the use of biodiversity certificates as offsets in #NatureRepairMarket
💠Assoc of Mining & Exploration Companies
💠Chamber of Minerals & Energy of WA
💠Minerals Council of Australia
💠Property Council of Australia
💠Urban Development Institute of Australia

Orgs OPPOSED but RESIGNED to use of biodiversity certifications as offsets in #NatureRepairMarket—CALLS for CONDITIONS
💠Australian Climate & Biodiversity Foundation
💠Australian Conservation Foundation
💠Australian Land Conservation Alliance
💠Australian Sustainable Finance Inst

Orgs OPPOSED but RESIGNED to use of biodiversity certifications as offsets in #NatureRepairMarket—CALLS for CONDITIONS
💠Environmental Defenders Office
💠Environmental Justice Australia
💠Greening Australia
💠National Environmental Law Association
💠NRM Regions Australia

Orgs OPPOSED but RESIGNED to use of biodiversity certifications as offsets in #NatureRepairMarket—CALLS for CONDITIONS
💠The Nature Conservancy
💠Trust for Nature (Vic)
💠WWF Australia

Orgs OPPOSED to use of biodiversity certifications as offsets in #NatureRepairMarket—seek EXPLICIT EXCLUSION
💠ACT Govt
💠Biodiversity Council
💠Birdlife Australia
💠Humane Society Intl
💠Law Council of Australia
💠Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists
💠Wilderness Society

Orgs OPPOSED to #NatureRepairMarket FULL STOP

💠Bob Brown Foundation

How do Orgs regard the use of biodiversity certificates/credits as offsets in #NatureRepairMarket

Summary table of Orgs covered in 🧵above

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