Bree A Dail Profile picture
Investigative Journalist, Contributor @realDailyWire. Accredited to @HolySeePress. Prior USN SWO. RTs ≠ Endorsements

Apr 23, 2023, 8 tweets

ROME—Ancient Rome and modern have converged, today, in the parade celebrating #NatalediRoma2023.

@BellaPupRome and I are happy to provide some videos/photos in this thread.

First up, Bella was amused by the Lion-headed Praetorian Guard standing watch over Circus Maximus:

It was time for the Parade, so @BellaPupRome insisted we get a front row view of all the standard bearers.…

Bella was OBVIOUSLY a standout amongst the thousands of plebs that had gathered to watch the festivities…so it was no wonder a Senator asked to bestow honours upon her…

Marching with the Legion, the Vestal Virgins and Nobility…as one does…

Roman revelry wouldn’t be complete without tambourines!

Here come the Gladiators and their Masters…Bella had a front row view of two skirmishes!…

“Let’s make a detour to the Tarpeian Rock, Mom!”

No, Bella…not today, but you can look pretty on the steps of the Capitoline Hill!

We THOUGHT we would beat the crowds, leaving from there and walking back home…BUT…

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