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Apr 24, 2023, 9 tweets

Re: Diane Abbott, I'm going to illustrate in a🧵exactly how the hierarchy of racism works. Are you ready? Let's go.

To start, let's see how all the usual racists responded to the story about Tory councillor Andrew Edwards stating that "all white men should have a black slave":

So as you can see, radio silence. It appears Andrew Edward's grossly offensive, racist comments don't matter. No one calling for his sacking. How interesting!

Let's start with @piersmorgan. What's he got to say about Diane Abbott? True to form, he's got a lot to say about her. I've zoomed out to show just how much, so it's not readable, but you can be assured it ain't kind words.

How about @Baddiel? Quelle surprise, a bit obsessed one might say! He even manages to plug his own TV appearance.

Perhaps self-appointed Champion of the Centre @mrjamesob might restore some balance?

Nah. He's just going to plug @Baddiel too.

OK but surely, SURELY,@OwenJones84, the only leftie (not really) with any media clout, will explain what Diane Abbott was talking about to all the racists?

Oh dear...

So as you can see, if you're a PoC, this is the kind of response you get if you try to explain that they receive more frequent and severe racist abuse than other minority groups.

And for clarity, what Abbott said is a statistically supported fact.

I hope this thread has been informative. You can be assured that the abuse Diane Abbott receives will continue for years to come, even though she's already been sacked and has apologised.

That's the #HierarchyOfRacism


PS - adding this to the end because it's important:

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