Mika Rantanen Profile picture
Researcher in Weather and Climate Change Impact Research in Finnish Meteorological Institute (@IlmaTiede). PhD in meteorology, @helsinkiuni.

Apr 25, 2023, 7 tweets

Summer is approaching in northern extratropics and with summer comes the heatwaves.

Although it's still April, a major summer-like heatwave will hit Spain this week. Temperatures are forecast to rise close to 40°C which would be unprecedented for April. #AprilHeatwave

The dynamic development of the heatwave is worth highlighting.

Blocking high acts like a stone in the river by causing a split of the jet stream and the occurrence of a double jet situation.

As a side note, the synoptic situation reminds me of the recent paper by @syn_efou et al. who found that the increasing trends of western European heatwaves are to linked more persistent double jet situations:


However, the most worrying aspect of the heatwave is that it comes when a large part of Spain is already suffering from drought.

You can easily see how the terrain is much browner this year than a year ago in April.

Imagery from NASA Worldview.

So the incoming heatwave will dry the soils even more, forming a well-known positive soil moisture feedback. Thus, a larger fraction of solar radiation is consumed to warm the air which exaggerates the heatwave magnitude.


The latest extended range forecast by ECMWF indicates that warm and dry conditions would continue in SW-Europe in the coming weeks.

This is bad news for agriculture which is already in a trouble with the drought.


Finally, every heatwave in the current climate is of course worsened by human-induced climate change.

This does not mean that the heatwave is caused by climate change: it means that temperatures will rise higher than they would have risen without climate change.

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