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An imaginary world in a bubble

Apr 25, 2023, 6 tweets

🔴✋Want to know why we believe Ordinals NFTs will appreciate in value over the years?
▶️Below are 3 reasons...🧵

✅Historical Value:
▶️Ordinals are NFTs hosted on the most important cryptocurrency in history. In Shatoshis, the minimum unit of one Bitcoin, and there are just over one million NFTs Minted

✅Limiting factor:
▶️There are only 21 million #Bitcoins and the creation of NFTs in Bitcoin takes up too much space, so sooner or later it will NOT be possible to create more #OrdinalsNFT ... Exclusivity...

▶️#OrdinalsNFTs are hosted directly on the Bitcoin blockchain, not in a modifiable contract as is the case with Ethereum NFTs or other blockchains. This makes them the most decentralized NFTs in existence.

✅And what should I do to get one?
▶️Very easy, you just need to have a Bitcoin wallet that allows you to store Ordinals such as @xverseApp Wallet and a few #Bitcoins that you can buy on @BinanceUS .

✅In Ordinals Bubbles we have just announced our first collection in Marketplace @trygamma , we leave you our website and we hope you don't get left out and can be part of our community!

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