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35. Crows & Hogs. Prince & Get This tragic. @Crowject host. Laughs at fart noises. Malcolm Blight gave me a noogie once. alt=@donkeyaltroom

Apr 26, 2023, 25 tweets

200 episodes of @Crowject - a thread 🧵

I’ve written before on some of the things that helped forge all things Crowject. There are multiple things that came up almost in one hit.

I don’t know a lot of footy mad people in my friendship circle. Despite being a member, I didn’t have a circle of friends to talk footy.

A big part was @thecrowbarpod ending after 2017. Was one of my favourite listens, and it felt like just listening to some mates talking about a team I love.

Add to this me being an audiophile, and I knew I had at the very least a passion to make something. But with who?

I was always a part of the FB group Adelaide Crows Pride, and I was invited to be a moderator on there in early 2018. Thank you Sam!

From that, I floated the idea of creating a podcast. Keeping it relevant and with good production values, but not a straight laced operation.

As someone with NO audio production background but with the passion for it, I can promise you I spent many many many hours researching how to do a podcast. Buying equipment, learning Adobe Creative Cloud, etc.

It was a LOT of trial and error!

The first episode was an overproduced monstrosity however it taught me how to finesse certain production things.

Episode 2️⃣ introduced me to a man who I consider a great friend - Cream.

As soon as we met, we’ve had an amazing level of banter and friendship that’s still going.

The first few months from Nov 2018 to Feb 2019 were interesting - we had the anticipation of the men’s season coupled with the phenomenal force of our @CrowsAFLW team going from strength to strength.

We had a linear rise from here, but ongoing teething issues. Got a H6 though!

I had worked with @smellodiee for many years, and couldn’t wait to have her on to represent the fairer sex (and to bring some logic!). Out of everyone I worked with (let alone spoke with) I never EVER met someone who had the same love for the same obscure player, one @nickhgill!

we’ve also collected a few cohosts throughout the years - both @BenAFC45 and Damon just sucking up to us in the messages and found their way on! 😂

Two of the loveliest guys you could ever imagine and have much better radio voices and comprehensive analysis than I can offer!

the 2nd half of 2019 was rough from what the club experienced, but we went from strength to strength - even ending up on @TheCrowsShow!

We were also pinching ourselves when we contacted by friends of the pod @samtugwell_15, @seancraigmurphy and Jack Hudson - amazing operators who we love working with

these guys gave us contacts for us to interview Graeme Goodings, KG Cunningham, Malcolm Blight and Graham Cornes. Amazing interviews that I’m still pinching myself we were able to do!

around this time we reached out to @JeffAlbertCrows - we were convinced it would be someone much different than who appeared.

Lleyton has been a force through all things @Crowject, including his amazing work on the @Cornesy12 VHS archive!

since then we started the Go Crom merch. The main aims are for raising funds for charity, giving our club a nickname, and getting the word out there.

Now trademarked and going strength to strength, and over $25k donated to charity… so far #gocrom

we’ve seen the amazing gang over on socials at @Adelaide_FC embrace all things crom, and also the footy community at large across Australia and the world. Too many photos to share! #gocrom

also our garden stakes guernseys - purely to piss off wharfies - with our collab with @AdelaideMail has been amazing to say the least. Also we’ve become sponsors of @crows_rainbow - who’s work complements what we do too.

my proudest achievement has been The Fabric Of Our Club - the book we published as a collaboration of multiple collectors. The book is a complete grassroots campaign from start to finish. @FabricOfOurClub

we’ve also had @ConnorNelson119 , @wallflowerjade, @Sophie_Dayman and @LDand_13 join us. Their energies keep things ticking over at our high rate.

This thread isn’t a brag. All of the above has been a loooooot of manhours and is highlighting how the rewards aren’t in “who’s on the charts” or some sort of quantitative success.

I and we do this because we love doing it. It is our hobby and our passion. 🥰

Also having a group of amazing patreons now is a part of this too - we have created a sanctuary for people to come together and join in on our hobby and passion collectively. Inclusivity is key!

we are a part of that fabric at @Adelaide_FC and see ourselves as one of the many stewards of the club - here to help and facilitate our amazing club.

Here’s to another 200 eps!

#gocrom #gocrows #weflyasone #crowject

unfortunately I realised I hit Tweet too quickly, so there’s a bit more to add to this.

During the time of making this little juggernaut, I’ve had a lot happen personally both good and bad.

One of the biggest positives has been the birth of my daughter.

seeing her grow up in an era where she can have amazing positive examples of female professional athletes representing the club I love makes me beyond happy.

I want to foster the next generation of Crows fans however we can.

I mentioned the labour of love and multiple hours spent doing this, but the biggest thanks goes to my beautiful wife.

She’s supported me throughout this and continues to put up with my late night Audition editing. A pillar of patience and wisdom. 🙏🏻

and finally (I promise this is the last one) we have been blessed to be joined by @rayzor29.

Ray’s life is like looking in to a mirror - chaos, energy and hard hitting analysis. Sharpest wit ever too. So glad he’s on board!

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