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Apr 26, 2023, 10 tweets

🥁New Early Testnet Project Thread on #CashmereLabs🥁

@CashmereLabs Is the super early Project too look over, its selected as a finalist for the @BinanceLabs MVB VI program 👀

This Project is on #Lyerzero and we all know that in near future Layerzero project will boom 🚀



General Overview 🌏

A protocol for MEV-protected cross-chain swaps. Any asset between any chain with the best rates. Built on @LayerZero_Labs,

CashmereLabs will be launched across 11 different chains to facilitate the entry of a diverse range of participants.


Let's Dive Into Testnet Tasks:
1) Load some Faucet
2) Do some swaps between chains
3) Take Part on Zealy Tasks
4) claim Galxe OAT
5) Claim Testnet Early Adopter NFT
6) Join guild and get roles



1) Go here :
2) Get the faucet which you want



1) Now Head toward Swap Section
2) Select Token and chain Pairs
3) Click On swap


Get Galxe OAT🏅

1) CLick Here :…
2) Perform the provided tasks
3) Claim OAT


Do Zealy Tasks and Earn XP's

1) Go here :…
2) Join Zealy
3) Perform Possible Tasks


You guys can mint CashmereLabs Testnet Early Adopter Nft which cost 0.00177 $ETH ~ $4

Try to mint when gas fees is low cause minting is in ETH Mainnet.
Minting Link :…


Join Discord and Guild to get Discord Roles

Discord Link :
Guild Link :


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