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β€’Web3/DeFi Tutor & Learner β€’Certified Marketer β€’Threadoor β€’Amb @diagonio @StepFinance_ | https://t.co/llrFTaHmxD | Adding Value To Humanity 🟑⚫

Apr 26, 2023, 16 tweets

Let me quickly work you through and show you some ππ„ππ„π…πˆπ“π’ and π–π‡π˜ you need to into this great establishment called @TuniGgregatorAi and eventually you invest at the end.

Let's dive deeper 🧡🧢
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#TuniGgregatorAi @oladejostephen2


1️⃣ Reward Booster
2️⃣ Stable Pools
3️⃣ Volatile Pools
4️⃣ Yield Farming Incentives Program
5️⃣ Emissions
6️⃣ Voting Rewards
7️⃣ Reinvest and Compund Return
8️⃣ Permisionless ve(3,3) Dex
9️⃣ Liquidity Provision

1️⃣ Reward Booster

At the event of staking, users can choose to claim TUN reward and have compound for a boosted return. A reward multiplier of 1.16x/1.3x/1.6x will be applied to the TUN reward earned for 7/15/30 day- delay for distribution.

Users will have the option to either claim or compound when they can receive the TUN reward in exchange for a higher return, up to 60% more.Users will have the option to either claim or compound when they can receive the TUN reward in exchange for a higher return, up to 60% more.

2️⃣ Stable Pools

Stable pools are styled for assets which don't have alteration/change in price. Which Allows Investors to trade assets allows for low slippage , even on large traded volumes

3️⃣ Volatile Pools

Volatile pools are styled for assets with high price volatility/fluctuation. These pools make use of generic AMM formula found in similar dex e.g Uniswap, 1inch.

4️⃣ Yield Farming Incentives Program

We have allocated 1.000.000 TUN to launch the initial liquidity on our staking pool.

These tokens will be distributed to users who stake TUN with Tuni-Ggregator AI Farm. The more you stake, the more $veTUN you will get.

However, please note that the amount of $veTUN issued will not be 1:1 to the dollar value of the token staked. We expect the all-in APY (native APY + APY with TUN inductive ) to be much higher than the current industry standard.

5️⃣ Emissions

The initial supply of $Tun is 10,000,000.
Weekly emissions would start at 250,000 $Tun (2.5% of the initial supply) and decay at 1% per week .

Each weekly emission will occur from the start of each epoch.

The emissions will not have a rage down period to stop dilution and token price depreciation.

Emissions will be kept at a slow pace but steady decline to stable the liquidity inductive and fees for $veTUN holders.

6️⃣ Voting Rewards

$veTUN holders decide which liquidity pools receive emissions in a given epoch by voting on their preferred liquidity pool gauges. $TUN emissions will be distributed proportionally to the total votes a liquidity pool receives.

In return, voters receive 100% of the trading fees and bribes collected through the liquidity pool they vote for.

7️⃣ Reinvest & Compund Return

All your Investment ROI will be automatically reinvested into underlying protocols to compound your returns!

The contracts will take care of this step to balance the transaction cost and revenue, so users can earn yield that exceeds their interest.

8️⃣ Permisionless ve(3,3) Dex

Tuni-Ggregator is a decentralized exchange built on Arbitrum, following the governance model called the ve(3,3) system introduced into Solidly, by Andre Conje and powered by AI finding the best Route Swap, getting the best, suitable and fast path.

9️⃣ Liquidity Provisions

Tuni-Ggregator will allow its users to earn income through liquidity provision. By providing liquidity to inductive gauges, users will receive a % of the rewards allocated to those gauges based on the amount of liquidity they provided.

I'm with those listed above you literally don't have Choice than to look into this great project and position yourself.

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