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β€’Web3/DeFi Tutor & Learner β€’Certified Marketer β€’Threadoor β€’Amb @diagonio @StepFinance_ | https://t.co/llrFTaHmxD | Adding Value To Humanity 🟑⚫

Apr 26, 2023, 20 tweets

Calling out all #Arbinauts πŸš€

I am proud to bring to you after my research the one and only layered farming protocol on @arbitrum ecosystem.

Get ready to become a player of the game!!

Bringing to you @Monopoly_Fi

Let's dive deep together 🧡🎲


🎲 Introduction
🎲 Core Features
🎲 Tokenomics
🎲 Monopoly Farms
🎲 Monopoly Pools
🎲 Roadmap
🎲 Partnership
🎲 Security & Audit
🎲 Social Network

🎲 Introduction

Monopoly Finance is a layered delegated yield farming project with deflationary tokenomics with upgraded features from former HoneyFarm layers

Under Monopoly, there should be no one worrying about rugging.

The origin goal of 'investment' is to 'make profit'.

For Monopoly, the core team will focus on simple and basic features helping users to strategically design ones own revenue routes. Alongside with those features, it will create wide-range of eco-system that Monopoly's native tokens will be used and burned.

🎲 Core Features

1️⃣ Deposit Fee

When users deposit on Monopoly, 3% deposit fee will be charged in the first week of the launch.

40% will be used for advertising,
infrastructure and dev fee

60% of deposit fee will be used for Golden Key.

2️⃣ Withdrawal Fee

When users withdraw staked funds from Monopoly, 0% ~ 3% of withdrawal fee will be charged.
Remember! $DUO-related farms and pools do not charge withdrawal fee!
Withdraw fee starts from 3% and decreases linearly by time on every seconds.

The fee system is designed to dis-incentivize short-term farming and selling pressure but still be fairly reasonable for those who wish to yield farm for short time.

40% will be used for advertising, infrastructure and dev fee

60% of deposit fee will be used for Golden Key.

3️⃣ Golden Key

Golden Key is to deposit Monopoly's native token, $DUO, to earn other gems like $ETH, $BTC, $USDC.

50% of collected $USDC from pre-IMO will be used for Golden Key pool immediately after the pre-IMO finishes.
There will be addtional Golden Key pools after launch

4️⃣ Refferal Program

An on-chain referral program has been implemented to incentivize users to invite friends to join the farming. Inviters can earn 3% of friends' earnings forever

🎲 Tokenomics

$DUO is the native token of @Monopoly_Fi

Name: Monopoly L2 Token 🐝
Symbol: $DUO
Contract Address: 0x322F15d4BEDaa20C178fb75b2628663D2dA19736
Chain: Arbitrum

Premined $DUO
8,000 $DUO for initial liquidity provide
$DUO emission after launch
Mining: 2,419,200 $DUO Max (69,120 $DUO / Day)
Eco commission: 241,920 $DUO Max (6,912 $DUO / Day)
Referral: 72,576 $DUO Max (upto 2,073.6 $DUO / Day)

🎲 Monopoly Farms

Monopoly strives to provide the best rates while still maintaining a stable token price.

🎲 Monopoly Pools

Staking in the pools is one of the easiest ways to start earning $DUO.
There's no risk of impermanent loss.
Monopoly balances the risk/reward ratio so you can choose what suits your needs best.

🎲 Roadmap

Monopoly team has a transparent and clear roadmap of marketing and operation.
This roadmap will help with DYOR on Monopoly.

Empowering DeFi enthusiasts to monopolize their finance is our first priority. And we'll make it happen!

🎲 Partnership

@Monopoly_Fi was able to partner with some big projects, check them through the links below

🎲 Security & Audit

Check the audit report through the link Below ⬇️

🎲 Social Networks

Website: monopoly.finance
Twitter: twitter.com/Monopoly_Fi
Telegram: t.me/monopolyfinanc…
Discord: discord.io/MonpolyFinance
Medium: medium.com/@monopolychef

Thanks to @Monopoly_Fi and @SamuelXeus for the great opportunity to contribute to this great project.

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