Apr 27, 2023, 6 tweets

Police opened fire at Kaliaganj WB on Hindu civilians protesting against their subhuman behaviour in the gang r@pe and murder case of a minor.
Root cause is islamisation of WBPolice as : (1/6)
@RituRathaur @AmitLeliSlayer @rupen_chowdhury @iHardikB
@raniroyrocky @SaffronSunanda

OBC reservation policy is the main reason for an islamised WB police which helps mu11as to r@pe & kill Hindus but open fire when Hindus protest for justice

In 2010 Left Front provided muslims with 10% qouta in OBC category (2/6)
@juhii1__ @_Agnijwala_ @devyanidilli @Themis_100 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

PILs allege that 42 new categories were added as OBC in 2010 41 of whom were muslim.

In 2012 #TMC started the OBC 0A catergory which had 65 OBC communities out of which 57 are muslim. Now 112 out of 170 OBC communities are muslim (3/6)
@madhukishwar @Thakur_VishalS

With 97% of the 20 million plus muslims population in the state already eligible for OBC reservations the police forces have been flooded with them.

Kaliaganj police have earlier used tear gas and lathi charge on the Hindus. Now they are firing at them (4/6).

As expected entire police action has been on the Hindu protests. R@pist Javed Akhtar surrendered to save himself , police did not go after him

Government has threatened to attach the properties of Hindus seeking justice

High time all Indian Hindus oppose this jih@dism. (5/6)

The government is not allowing the opposition leaders to go and visit the victims.

Again the same expected silence from the Central govt who themselves are playing extremely dirty reservation politics.

A humble request to all support the Hindus showing street power. (6/6).

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