Dr Emma Hodcroft Profile picture
Die Virenjägerin! 🏹🧬 Co-developer of @nextstrain! Using phylogenetics, I study viruses. I like ✈️ & 🐈 @firefoxx66@mstdn.science @firefoxx66.bsky.social

Apr 28, 2023, 10 tweets

🎉CoVariants.org Update!🎉

23B (XBB.1.16) is now available on CoVariants! It's visible as part of Per Country & Per Variant plots, on the shared mutation page - and of course, has a page of its own.


#XBB116 #23B #Arcturus

This is in line with the recent addition of 23B (XBB.1.16) as a @nextstrain clade - read more on that below 👇🏻!


As I covered earlier, 23B (XBB.1.16) is descended from the recombinant 22F (XBB) variant, with some additional mutations. You can read more about how it evolved & acquired those mutations below 👇🏻.


On the 23B page, you can read about some initial 23B (XBB.1.16) work on neutralizing titres, see a list of defining mutations, a plot of the variant growth, link to Aquaria protein viz, & see a list of other mutations present in the variant.



There's also a link to the 23B (XBB.1.16) @nextstrain
focal build: nextstrain.org/groups/neherla…

Here, we can zoom in on the clade & get a closer look at how 23B sequences are distributed around the world, & their diversity. 🌏🌍



On the Per Country page, 23B (XBB.1.16) is already clearly visible in India & Singapore, & is starting to appear in smaller numbers in other countries, like Australia & the US. Remember, sequencing data is always a few weeks behind.



Finally, on the Shared Mutations page, you can see how 23B's / XBB.1.16's Spike mutations compare to other VoC, including its Omicron family, 22F (XBB) parent, and its 'sibling' 23A / XBB.1.5.



More information on 23B (XBB.1.16) & its spread will become available in due course.

As always, CoVariants.org is open-source & we welcome your PRs & suggestions to add more studies & information to variant pages! (Or any error-catching!)



As before, I've created a file for 23B (XBB.1.16) mapping all defining mutations (relative to ancestral), including nuc->AA. This is available on the CoVaritants Github!

Huge 🙏🏻to all who helped check it! (Esp @CorneliusRoemer @AngieSHinrichs)!



The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that I've adjusted the 23A colour when adding 23B - the colours were probably always a bit too close together but this became even more obvious with 23B. I hope it doesn't cause any confusion! 🌈


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