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Apr 28, 2023, 16 tweets

The main fours animal symbolism

#HunterXHunter thread 🧵

It’s pretty interesting how volume covers each of the main four is on have their own specific animal on them. At first it seems like nothing more than an artistic choice but it could actually have more to it than that as it helps with the characterization of each of the main 4

The 1st volume shows Gon with a frog. Frogs symbolize Good luck, transformation,change and rebirth as the frog goes through several stages of metamorphosis which shows gons story is about coming of age.

Frogs also represents rebirth which perfectly encapsulates Gons current state as he just got resurrected and now needs to grow and reflect upon all his mistakes in the CA arc.

They also represent the importance of connecting with our emotions & gives us the push necessary to remove negativity from our lives.They are also believed to bring rain when needed as water cleanses and brings freshness to the earth similar to the role Gon played in killuas life

Kurapika is a special case as he has 2 animal covers which could help characterize him. Hisoka’s fortune referred to kurapika as a “half angel/half death bringer” and this perfectly fits with the owl.Owls are a symbol of wisdom and change.

They’re many superstitions surrounding owls that involve death and how they’re harbingers of death. This is very fitting when you look into the context of kurapikas backstory and how his clan got massacred and he could’ve indirectly been involved in their massacre. “sheila”

I plan on fully covering vol 33 in another thread but I’ll just touch on it here. Dolphins represent balance, they’re also highly intelligent and closely in tune with their instincts, striking a balance between the two states.

Balance is something Kurapika struggles with as his inner conflict is based off him trying to fight against his good hearted Nature to be a cold blooded killer, he’s naturally good but is succumbing to darkness because of his need for revenge and to avenge his clan.

Dolphins are also a symbol of protection and Ressurection which also parallels Gon’s animal, which further emphasises the parallels between the two.

The wolf fits Killua perfectly. They’re a symbol for guardianship & loyalty. Killua has been shown to be extremely loyal to gon and is even willing to sacrifice himself for Gon on multiple occasions.

Some positive symbols of the wolf spirit animal are sharp intelligence,deep connections and an appetite for freedom which is very fitting for Killua as he’s currently fighting for his freedom(nen needle)along with his sister allukas.

Some negative symbols of the wolf spirit include isolation,dishonesty,feeling threatened,lack of trust in someone else and yourself and control

which are all caused due to killuas childhood with the zoldycks and especially Illumi who even used a nen needle which which was controlling Killua. This even led to killuas lack of trust in himself especially in regards to Gon in CA

For Leorio the Siamese fish is great representation. They are associated with the element of air and how sometimes we need to simply stop and breath to not allow situations get so deep that we forget what we’re fighting for which Leorio shows by how he took care of kurapika

They also symbolize balancing your different sides as in the manga Leorio has incredible physical strength and at the same time he’s been said by melody to have the most gentle heartbeat.

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