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Apr 29, 2023, 14 tweets

#WarhammerFest2023 is live! And so are my reactions to it in this 🧵. So far my main takeaway is that I wish I got more sleep. But the event has just started...

God damn! The Tyranids got their hands/gestation pools on more Eldar DNA it looks like. This rules big time.

Frank Sinatra is canon confirmed.

Same energy.

Jesus, what a glow up.

Looks like the Hive Mind got the Yautja.

Pretty sure this dude is holding an ice-cream maker too.

Am I crazy, or is this looking like a pretty solid deal?

"The Witch Eater" what a name.

So, @Warhammer_Art do I just give you access to all my banking info now, or what's going to be easiest?


10th Edition is out in under a month?!?!?!!?!

Well, that ended somewhat quickly. Looking forward to the Old World on Sunday though!

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