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Lawyer, Writer, Activist, Tea Lover - From the River to the Sea, 🇵🇸 will be Free, Views are my own.

Apr 30, 2023, 8 tweets

Dr @AzzamTamimi relating how atheist Zionists exploited Judaism to create a state that disrupted historic cohesion between Muslim and Jewish communities, the latter who who were granted safety in the Muslim world having fled persecution in Europe.

“Oslo accords were designed to turn the PLO, a national liberation organisation, into a collaborating agency to uphold the occupation”

- Dr @AzzamTamimi


Now Rabbi Yisroel Weiss, whose family were killed in the Holocaust, addressing the crowd. He warns that it is impossible to exaggerate the extent of the atrocities committed by the Nazis but at the same time, it is inhumane to exploit that legacy to justify Israeli crimes today.

Jews flourished in the Muslim world which gave them protection when they fled European persecution. They lived peacefully together until the Nakbah destroyed that harmony.

- Rabbi Weiss


Judaism is a 3000 year old religion that involves a covenant by the Jewish people to be subservient to the teachings of God as contained in the Torah.

Zionism is a political movement started 150 yes ago. No rabbis/religious figures present at declaration of the Israeli state.

Jews made oaths that forbid them from re-entering the Holy Land en mass, they must be loyal citizens wherever they reside, and must make no attempts to breach exile.

Zionism breaches all three of these paths.

- Rabbi Weiss


The more the religiosity of the Jewish community, the stronger the stance is in opposition to Zionism and the stage of Israel.

- Rabbi Weiss


There is an Almighty who rules the world, who gives life and death, and who is compassionate and just and as such, the State of Israel will come to an end because it is built on criminality. We pray it is a speedy and peaceful end.

- Rabbi Weiss


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