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Uniting and mobilizing progressives in Canada for a just and climate-safe future for all. #JustTransition #BasicIncome

May 2, 2023, 18 tweets

We are about to kick off our organizing call for a bold #EmissionsCap! You can still join us here: us02web.zoom.us/meeting/regist…

We’ll also be live-tweeting the highlights in this thread. 👇

So what is the #EmissionsCap and why is it important? It is a policy that places a limit/cap on carbon emissions from the fossil fuel industry.

It is our best shot at tackling rising emissions in Canada and meeting our climate targets. 🔥

It was originally supposed to be released in late 2022 and has been delayed and delayed, but is now due to be released in early June.

This is why we are ramping up the pressure for a bold #EmissionsCap!

Canada has never met an emissions reduction target—for over TWO decades.

We have a chance to change this, but only if we cap carbon pollution from the oil and gas industry. An #EmissionsCap is an effective tool to reign in rising oil and gas carbon pollution.

“Oil and gas companies are lobbying to weaken and delay climate policy including the #EmissionsCap because it would make them actually take responsibility for their pollution. And to that end, they’ve been meeting with our politicians as many as seven times a day.” 🤯

The good news: A strong majority of people in Canada want a cap on carbon pollution from oil and gas.

7 out of 10 Canadians want an #EmissionsCap to ensure the fossil fuel industry takes on its fair share of the climate effort, compared to other sectors and on a global level.

An #EmissionsCap is also good for our economy and our climate.

Recent research shows strong climate action drives job growth in the energy sector, helping to create over 700,000 more energy jobs in a net-zero 2050 Canada.

Resistance to the #EmissionsCap is based on fear, not economic or scientific reality. We need to make clear that the real fear is the climate impacts we’ll see if emissions continue to grow unchecked.

After all, we are in a climate emergency.

Climate impacts are already damaging our communities and our economy. This is why we need to act now and demand real climate solutions.

We have heard lots of promises from the Liberals, and we need to hold them accountable. #EmissionsCap

Liberal MPs are more afraid of the political price they might pay for holding a small handful of fossil fuel companies accountable, than they are of the consequences they’ll face—from their constituents—if they continue to delay climate action.

This is backwards. #EmissionsCap

Why? Because Big Oil has launched an aggressive lobbying and marketing offensive to convince our politicians—and the general public—that we’re dependent on them, for everything from jobs to techy climate solutions. It’s all spin and lies.

The reason we’re here today is because the only thing powerful enough to go up against money, is organized people like us!

For months, we’ve been ramping up the pressure for a strong #EmissionsCap. We’ve hosted calling parties, MP meetings, email-writing campaigns, and more!

But now we need to show the breadth and strength of the movement!

That’s why we’re hosting a distributed Day of Action — with rallies taking place outside MP offices all across the country — to call for a bold #EmissionsCap ahead of the policy’s release in June.

The #EmissionsCap Day of Action is May 25th!

Do you want to host an action outside your MP office? Hosts are responsible for organizing events, gathering folks, and reporting back. And we will support you EVERY step of the way.

Sign up to host an action: airtable.com/shrar2dqKB858M…

We’ll share a toolkit with step-by-step instructions for organizing your action, and we’ll help recruit people to your action in your riding. We’ll also be running trainings on how to run an action and how to attract media attention, and we’ll be on-call to support you as needed!

THIS: “We all have something to lose in the climate crisis and we all have something to GAIN the fight for a better, just, and liveable future.” - Leadnow organizer Kate 😭💚 #EmissionsCap

That’s a wrap! We already have over 20 sign-ups to host an action on May 25th. 🔥

This is what people power looks like. We can win a bold and ambitious #EmissionsCap that forces Big Oil to do its fair share.

Stay tuned for updates on all the actions that will happen on May 25th! All in for a bold #EmissionsCap.

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