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May 3, 2023, 14 tweets

Join us this morning for the launch of the future of payments in Kenya! In collaboration with our industry partners, we have been working to bring you a secure, seamless and unified digital payment solution! Catch the event live via… #ScanUlipe

Imagine a seamless experience; secure, no hustle of keying in details, no risk of "paying to the wrong number". We have been working with payment service providers, banks, card schemes, among others to bring you. Keep it here! #ScanUlipe

What a spectacular performance from the Safari Class!🤩 #ScanUlipe

The launch of Kenya QR Code Payment Standards is very important to both Kenyan consumers and merchants. This will ensure the process is seamless for customers and consumers. - Mr. Michael Eganza, Director Banking & Payment Services Department, @CBKKenya

Panel discussion on The Evolution of the Digital Payments Landscape in Kenya moderated by @YvonneOkwara . #ScanUlipe

Panel discussion on on The Evolution of the Digital Payments Landscape in Kenya moderated by @YvonneOkwara. #ScanUlipe

.@tamarabcook 18% of Kenyans exclusively use cash and 1% never use cash at all. #ScanUlipe

.@njorogep The Kenyan Universal QR Code contributes to a secure, fast and efficient payment system that benefits Kenyans. #ScanUlipe

.@njorogep Safaricom, @KCBGroup , @KeEquityBank and @Coopbankenya have already deployed the new Kenya Universal QR Code. #ScanUlipe

.@njorogep It will significantly ease the process of making payments in outlets with heavy foot traffic such as supermarkets etc. #ScanUlipe

.@njorogep The Kenya Universal QR code will greatly improve the time to complete transactions to just a few seconds. #ScanUlipe

The launch of the Kenya Universal QR code is officially live. Customers will now be able to make digital payments in an easy, fast, convenient, and secure manner using QR. #ScanUlipe

Our CEO @PeterNdegwa_ testing the Kenya Universal QR code with @CBKKenya, Governor, Dr. @njorogep . Use of standardised QR Codes will facilitate launch of innovative products and deepen the benefits already enjoyed by customers making payments across various institutions and……

The Kenya Universal QR Code is live on the M-PESA App, M-PESA Business App and my Safaricom App. We will also enable automatic QR code creation on the Lipa Na M-PESA Merchant Portal and through APIs on Daraja. #ScanUlipe

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