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May 3, 2023, 32 tweets

thread for the difference i spot for the personality of the characters between the stage play and anime

#RevueStarlight #スタァライト

Reminder that stage play and anime are different universe

Mimori: They are very self-aware
:Isn't there something like a character's settings list before the project starts?
: I feel like every characters has very bad personality, from what it wrote
: Like, extremely competitive or must to be the Top
( The rest please read in ALT)

What Mimori said is about the stage play
Since the anime really show nice personality and the atmosphere is cozy too

I made a meme before for stage play Hikari and anime Hikari
She is the biggest difference i guess

Kaoruko Hanayagi

Both stage play and anime have Kaoruko pretend she surrender but turn out she is just pretending
For anime you can see Kaoruko just being naughty
For stage play, Kaoruko didn't even show mercy at all
Well maybe the reason they fight somehow different too(

Kaoruko have a bit social terror(?), she tag along with Futaba only and scare to talk to others
In stage play(video), Kaoruko just mock about teacher said classmates are friends in front of all the classmates in class twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Futaba Isurugi

Futaba in stage play doesnt seem like handsome understanding person like in anime
She act like delinquent(?), also how she talked
Remind that classmates scared of FutaKao in stage play

Relationship between Claudine and Futaba
(It is interesting parts)

Anime: share their problems, slept together, and having fair competition relationship
Stage play: couldn't get over with each other at all

Video 1: Pushing each other to the enemies (damn you 2 chill
Video 2: "Something like British freedom doesn't apply here"
"You're one to say that"
(And they want to fight xD) twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Maya Tendo

She like seem too arrogant in stage play that she dont even respect teacher (idk but for me, it seem unrespectful)

Stage play: enjoy fighting, smile a lot(scary)
Anime: Calm and cool, showing mature

Mayakuro fight
(I mean even if it is different title, the reactions are too different)

Junna Hoshimi

Junna's laughing
It is just too funny www

As we know Junna is a serious person but she is being a bit naughty in stage play
Look how she poke Maya's thigh 😂 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Stage play: found her opponent's weakness and start mocking on it
Anime: told about her own past and her goal as stage girl which it is very important to her

The capability to start the revue by their own
It is Nana in the movie and it is Karen in the stage play

Not about anime but the clothes of stage play and live(or other activities) are different too

Stage play other activities

Also Karen's crown 👑

Gloves that only used in stage play for Maya, Claudine, Akira and Futaba

#RevueStarlight #スタァライト

Somebody said because Nomoto's wrist injury so that glove is for rehabilitation but it look so good tho

Maybe it is my illusion
Claudine not very intimate with people or enthusiasm(?) (aka act as french) in stage play, as you can see she stand really far from others tho but when Maya hold Hikari's hand long that usual, she will be French
In anime she is more french that i think twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

As Claudine do that to Mahiru, everyone's reaction like they are used to it already

Fun to think that Claudine actually almost kiss Hikari when run to hug her (she actually almost tripped)

I should say Aiai and Mimori

Somehow im curious about Karen's uniform before Seishou
Seishou is high school, so pretty sure this is uniform of junior high school
Either it is different in movie and comic or because it is different seasons
But the skirt pattern is different

Talk about different seasons
For movie, look at the style of uniform and rainy season, maybe it is summer
For comic, Karen go to attend the exam to enter Seishou, since the date is different form school to school, i just assume it is autumn or spring

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