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She/her on a passionate mission for equality. Love people & love technology. Can offend academics and complex thinkers by simplifying everything! ❤️ 💃🏻 💪🏽

May 3, 2023, 8 tweets

Excited for the keynote about to begin #LTUK23

‘Successful living & learning in a world of tech disruption’

@NjeriMwagiru sets the tone by describing current and topical disruption. She speaks to what we ‘need to be’ agile and flexible.

Key trends from @NjeriMwagiru #LTUK23

What are the skills we need to be successful in a world of disruption? With a backdrop of key trends!


When responding to trends @NjeriMwagiru encourages us to leverage shared networks ‘everyone has their own unique vantage points’

Simple takeaways from @NjeriMwagiru in a world of complexity:

1. Act
2. Anticipate
3. Respond


@threadreaderapp unroll please

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