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May 3, 2023, 7 tweets

Alright, y’all, this is the week that Eleventy By Example comes out, so I thought I’d do a spicy clickbait thread with a pre-order link at the end. Sound good? Great!

I present 5 reasons @eleven_ty is better than your favorite metaframework; a thread 🧵

1: 11ty generates ONLY what you tell it to.

Want JS? Add it and it’s yours. Want static only? No problem! Don’t want secret, magic code that bloats your files? Done!

2: Global Data is a breeze

Because 11ty doesn’t try to do too much, it doesn’t have huge amounts of client, server, build hydrations to worry about. Global data is just available with a JSON or JS file. Done. Thank you

3: HTML is great

Did you know HTML is the best? Seriously, it’s declarative, straightforward, and beautiful. Did you know that many of 11ty’s template languages mostly feel like HTML with some additions? It’s true and amazing.

4: It’s fast

11ty was already a fast build process, but the recent 2.0 release has made its build times ridiculously good. I’m not a benchmarker, but it moves faster that it seems like it should be able to.

5: It feels like you’re building a website

Your mileage may vary, but I like building websites. 11ty feels like I’m building a website. Not an app, not a tool, not a library. It’s just very refreshing.

5 reasons 11ty rocks. End of thread. If that sounds good...

Eleventy by Example comes out Friday May 5 from @PacktPublishing. Through the book, we build 5 different projects that range in complexity and use this amazing tool.

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