Frédéric Leroy Profile picture
Agri-food scientist + CDP activist (Common sense, Decency & Pragmatism) Tweets reflect my own views

May 4, 2023, 15 tweets

Because we used the word zealotry in the #DublinDeclaration, some people think we're overstating the issue. Here's @nyuniversity's "Toolkit for Local Policymakers" advocating taxes & bans on animal foods. Up to you to judge whether that's zealotry or not.…

BANS - do not rely on consumer behaviour - force them into compliance and stigmatize the dissidents.

Very similar to the language in the EAT-Lancet report: don't leave it to the "individual or the whim of consumer choice".…

The idea is to work via "cities" rather than nation-wide, because they are a "fertile ground for [.] progressive policy ideas, often stepping in front of their states and the federal government"

Which brings us to the @c40cities network for a reason...

Several mayors of global cities within C40Cities have pledged to achieve the targets of the EAT-Lancet diet by 2030 - the ambitious target being zero meat/dairy.

New York City is a signatory city, and so is LA, so NY University will have its role to play.

And with a mayor that is sympathetic to the cause...

But the "zealotry" and radicalism is widespread. Overview here:…

Translated in practice as follows:

And (non-exhaustive):

Interestingly, the current rhetorical technique of anti-livestock activists seems to be to accuse the #DublinDeclaration of its own pro-livestock "zealotry". Or worse, biased profit-seeking.
Everyone can make up its mind on what & whom to believe...

... but the Declaration hasn't been written to give a free ticket to the livestock sector-far from it. It wishes to correct a narrative that has become unhinged. You can either dismiss it or value it, but please do it based on what's actually in the text.

And ask yourself the question if these thousand signatures are really just a greenwashing attempt by corrupt scientists, or if there may be a genuine concern within a scientific community who's voice has been overshouted by a crusading minority...

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