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Passionate about #OBAnes and #patientsafety (#OBcritcare special interest). Father of 2 future Jedi. Views my own. he/his #heforshe 🇿🇦🇮🇪🇨🇦

May 5, 2023, 22 tweets

Dr Brian Bateman moderates the #SOAPAM2023 Gertie Marx Research Competition. #OBAnes

Number 1. @LilianeErnstMD presents The ED90 of Hyoerbaric Bupivacaine for Cesarean Delivery in Super Obese Patients #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Background. Pre-pregnancy obesity increasing across racial groups. A large percentage in grade 3 obesity, racial differences. Super Obese patients more likely to have cesarean section. High block was more common in BMI > 50. #SOAPAM2023 #OBAnes

Methods & Results #SOAPAM2023 #OBAnes

Discussion and results. #SOAPAM2023 #OBAnes

Number 2. Ms Amber Wesoloski (medical student) presents on Comparison of an automated, electronic-medical-record-based postpartum hemorrhage prediction model to currently published stratification tools. #OBAnes #SOAP2023

Methods & tool comparison. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Results and discussion. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Number 3. Dr Adnan Al-maaitah presents on Higher Fibrinogen concentrate required in pregnant patients. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

(Reminds me I have to tweet Prof Collis’ Geraldine O’Sullivan lecture from #OAA3dc2022)

Methods. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Results. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Number 4. Dr Sagar Patel presents on personalized risk prediction of preeclampsia using polygenic risk scores. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Background. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Methods. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Results. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Discussion. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Number 5. Ms Elizabeth Colburn (medical student) presents on OTIP - an innovative obstetric triage implementation package to reduce delay and improve quality of care at referral hospitals in Ghana. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Background. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Results. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

Conclusions and future directions. #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

If you want more details without reading slides please follow @Ron_George, as he has more detailed explanations #OBAnes #SOAPAM2023

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