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Covering a new day at the DOJ--and unraveling of Jan 6. Declassified with Julie Kelly https://t.co/n1QSmxxLPz

May 5, 2023, 6 tweets

Hoping this is my last thread of the day but I can't pass up dissecting this batshit interview with a Proud Boys juror

Not only did they quickly convict on seditious conspiracy, this juror thought deleted messages were evidence of guilt---except the messages were probably...

removed by DOJ due to unknown number of FBI informants and other conspiracy "tools," unidentified and/or uncharged participants, in numerous chats.

Some genius-level thinking there!


Cell service was down everywhere in DC especially near Capitol. Nordean didn't have his phone on all day but sure, they should've texted each other to "stand down" or something. So that makes them seditionists, cool story, juror.

In a last-minute dirty trick, DOJ sprung on Zack Rehl a video allegedly showing Rehl spraying a cop with pepper spray. The video did not definitively ID Rehl--DOJ never charged him with assaulting police. But hey, who needs facts and evidence before a DC jury? Not this guy!

There ya go...

Based on jury profile, nearly all were anti-Trump or at least Democrats.

And this juror wanted to make DAMN SURE another "insurrection" never happens again!

(Recall one juror had BLM yard sign, foreman was a BLM sympathizer.)


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