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May 6, 2023, 7 tweets

Prompt Share - Midjourney.

I have been attempting to get to posting this amazing prompt all day (but regrettably got stuck in some rabbit holes along the way).

This prompt is super versatile!!

Thread - because these images are blowing my mind.

#midjourney #midjourneyv51

Pick a nationality. I used French, Egyptian, Kenyan, Mongolian, Brazilian, etc. in my testing.

Choose your colors or leave them out and see what you get.

I tested several color combinations. I really love the crimson + white + cyan combo (work on any images).

I did not add any additional parameters, only the aspect ratio of 16:9

--ar 16:9

What makes this prompt is, well, a couple of things:

- curved mirrors
- neoclassical style
- symmetrical lines (to some extent)

If you remove these from the prompt, the style falls apart.

None of these have any post-production.

Here's the prompt:

High fashion portrait shoot of a [nationality] supermodel, in the style of curved mirrors, symmetrical lines, neoclassical style, [add your colors], ultra-realistic, hyper-detailed --ar 16:9

The inspiration for this prompt is from MJ explore page.

Thanks for the continued inspiration, you all!
Amazing images created by you.
Here are a few more I just created.

- astronaut
- space cadet

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