Kris Kashtanova Profile picture
community + art + tech + comedy + nostalgia + design | Sr. AI Creative Evangelist & Community Advocate @Adobe + Educator | 𝕏s are my own

May 6, 2023, 14 tweets

What #AdobeFirefly is good at
I researched which type of images Adobe Firefly is good at, it's trained on a relatively small commercially safe dataset (public domain + Adobe Stock), and the rule "quality in quality out" I looked into it with the help of the community…

Studio portraits of kids
prompt: a Black girl smiling looking at the camera, black background, studio light
style: Photo

Studio portraits of seniors
prompt: smiling elderly Asian woman looking at the camera
style: Photo

Natural light portraits
prompt by @menecr
prompt: Professional photograph, of a dark-haired smiling woman, set in a Costa Rican jungle, mid-aged, light brown skin, beautiful light, realistic, and very detailed, wearing vivid colored clothes

Extreme close-up portaits
prompt and generation by @RafaelCampezato
Close-up black and white studio photo focusing on blue eye man 58 age

Abstract backgrounds
prompt by @leebrimelow
soft subtle perfectly smooth curves, pastel, light pink, light blue, minimalism

Victorian wallpapers
prompt idea by @dramenon
Victorian wallpaper pattern of plants and bees

Vertical gardens
prompt by @rufusd
lush vertical garden in a cityscape with waterfall

prompt by @AidanAshby
exploding computer box, fire, breaking, dust, flying glass shards, cinematic, motherboard, shockwave, flying wires, broken circuits, sparks, shattered, suspicious circumstances, motion blur, small purple and blue flames

prompt inspired by @drfzs
beautiful large organic house made of glass , fancy, vip, embedded into the clouds in the sky, forest architectural photography, style of architecture, futurism, modernist architecture

prompt: koi fish in the pond
style: Photo

Paper craft
prompt by @BlitzytheClown
In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight, layered paper, night hues

Food, drive, produce
prompts by @leebrimelow and @Rom_creating
prompt 1: underwater studio photograph of pineapple dropped into the black water, splashes from impact, black background, studio light
prompt 2: A miniature city inside a chocolate egg

prompt by @ryannoonan5
A+calm meditating Japanese garden scene with a gentle stream flowing through mountains, captured in the harsh greens and greys with flowing brushstrokes of a watercolor painting

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