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Bestselling author, "San Fransicko" :: Dao Journalism Winner :: Time, "Hero of Environment" : CBR Chair of Politics, Censorship & Free Speech @UAustinOrg

May 6, 2023, 7 tweets

Oakland voters felt law enforcement was too strict and so last fall elected a progressive D.A. who has stopped enforcing many laws. The result is lawlessness, “sideshows,” and assaults carried out with impunity.

A few days ago in Oakland, a man tried to stop the dangerous sideshow and was beaten by a mob. Nobody tried to stop the assault. Instead, Oakland residents clamored to film it.

Oakland @MayorShengThao condemned the beating but nobody listens to her because she supported defunding the police and so sideshows continue to terrorize residential neighborhoods, forcing working class families into their homes, fearing assault.

In this video you can see Oakland police casually filming the mayhem, which went on for hours. They aren’t to blame. Police are helpless to stop the criminal sideshows because @MayorShengThao & DA Pamela Price refuse to prosecute “nonviolent crimes”

“So far, the Soros PAC has spent more than $559,000 to help [Oakland DA] Price” who “said she was drawn into the race by what she sees as the ‘absolutely outrageous’ over-prosecution of young blacks”

This sideshow occurred a few blocks from where Mark Zuckerberg lives in SF

Here’s another one, also from last night, in a different Oakland neighborhood @MayorShengThao

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