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🕯In memoriam. Heroes won't be forgotten, Prof. Arne Burkhardt. #Mousearmy I like crosstalks but not that forced by the shots

May 7, 2023, 8 tweets

"Thus, we conclude that increased E2F8 expression in cancer, like that of BRCA1 and other tumor suppressors involved in homologous recombination–mediated DNA repair, such as RAD51 and FANCD2, simply reflects the high percentage of proliferating cells present in tumors."


@DoorlessCarp @Fynnderella1 @kacdnp91 @Jikkyleaks

We really need to know if the E2f8 1.5 fold increase was just an echo or more... :S

@DoorlessCarp @Fynnderella1 @kacdnp91 @Jikkyleaks (1) Zoomed and marked from above

Cell cycle oscillators underlying orderly proteolysis of E2F8


@DoorlessCarp @Fynnderella1 @kacdnp91 @Jikkyleaks Transcription addiction: can we garner the Yin and Yang functions of E2F1 for cancer therapy?


I am really, really concerned...


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