Eminent Intellectual Profile picture
Padha Likha. Liberal. Secular. Anti-hate. Anti-caste. Anti-Hindutva. Pro-JNU. Pro-phet. Parody. If you are not a fascist, you will agree with me.

May 7, 2023, 6 tweets

Important thread :

Why opposition to an anti-ISIS movie?

B'coz many do not want common Indians to remember how a brutal, bloodthirsty, slave owning, genocidal terror organisation enjoys wide support in men and women globally.

Just look at these samples...

1/4 #TheKerelaStory

When ISIS was defeated, many of the women who went there were already dead. Some died fighting, some became suicide bombers, some were killed in airstrikes and some killed brutally by ISIS fighters for refusing to provide sex or trying to escape.

Still 67000+ women and 2/4

children remained. Yes, 67000!

They came from all over the world. Atleast 81 countries. Most of them were perfectly happy with Kafirs slaughtered & raped as per Islamist beliefs. Most have not showed remorse even for the sake of returning to their countries. Don't be fooled 1/4

This is what liberals want us not to know. How popular terrorism is & the threat they pose to us kafirs.

This pic explains why the movie is not being shown in TN

This is why we must make sure more ppl see it & make sure children aren't friends with people who love terrorism.

ISIS flags, Kashmir

Pro terror graffiti, #Karnatak

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