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Data Scientist/Musician/Participant in the General Confusion @trutherbotprop Resist autocracy and research/counter disinformation. I serve the realm.

May 8, 2023, 6 tweets

It's a great day to look at a network of mutually interacting Twitter accounts that use TweetDeck to amplify one another's content, most (but not all) of which is Florida-related. #FloridaSpam

cc: @ZellaQuixote

This network consists of seven accounts with similar tweet schedules and a focus on Florida that tweet the vast majority of their tweets via TweetDeck: @4_sarasota, @CalendarMad, @CapitalTales, @FreshStarSrq, @PublicGood2050, @TwartVader, and @lakesarasota.

Much of the network's content consists of brief tweetstorms where several of the accounts in the network tweet or retweet the same thing a few seconds or minutes apart. Overall, approximately 70% of the network's tweets/retweets were duplicated by at least 3 of the 7 accounts.

Who do the accounts in this network retweet/quote tweet/reply to? A mix of popular Florida accounts, major media, and each other: six of the 20 accounts most frequently amplified by the network are other accounts in the network, with @PublicGood2050 at the top of the list.

The accounts in this network link various Florida websites, mainstream media, YouTube videos, and Substack blogs. Among the Substack bloggers promoted by the network is conspiracy theorist and cyberstalker Steven Jarvis, who recently planted a false story at @thedailybeast.

More on the recent debacle where The Daily Beast's @JakeLahut published an as-of-yet unretracted article based on the demonstrably false claims of a known hoaxer and cyberstalker:…

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