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taehyung fan account

May 8, 2023, 27 tweets

"Jungkook holds the entire galaxies in his big doe eyes " — a wholesome thread✨

Jungkook saying "i purple you". His eyes hold so much love and sweetness 🥺

The entire galaxy in his eyes.

Im so in love with him

You don't need to look at the sky to see the stars, just look at Jungkook's eyes :((

He's so beautiful

nothing more beautiful than the stars in Jungkook's eyes ⭐️

look at his dimples and starry doe eyes🥺


those shiny doe eyes 😭

His starry eyes 🥹

Jungkook captured all the stars of this universe into his eyes.

I love looking into those beautiful eyes him😭

Full of stars 🌟

Ending this thread with a compilation of Jungkook's pretty and starry eyes 🥺

Follow me guys if you want.. I make threads and edits ♡


I vote  #JUNGKOOK for Most Handsome Man Alive #NETIZENSREPORT #MHMA2023 #MHMA2023JUNGKOOK

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