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May 9, 2023, 6 tweets


Not only Kannada people but whole India says #ByeByeBJP

A new dawn is about to begin tomorrow morning thro #KarnatakaElections

This dawn will reach Delhi in 2024 via Telangana, Chhattisgarh & Rajasthan

4 Reasons Why BJP Shouldn't Win From Karnataka

1) Rampant corruption in all Government Departments.
Commission fixed @ 40%
Leading to the suicides of entrepreneurs

Not only in Karnataka.
Same is the case in every state which are ruled by BJP as well as in Centre

2) Promoting Gujarat Amul in place Nandini milk owned by Karnataka milk producers in the name of One Nation One Milk Federation.

A challenge to State Autonomy not only for KA, but also for states like Maharashtra whose Milk Federation is already handed over to Mother Dairy

3)Growing Bigotry

Hindu fundamentalist organizations including Bajrang Dal are intervening in the privacy of individuals in the name of Cultural Watchdogs

Disturbing public peace by protesting to ban hijab and halal to provoke another religion

4) Unemployment
IT companies are leaving software capital Bangalore for Hyderabad and Coimbatore as day-to-day business operations are affected due to sectarianism &Corruption.

The 2nd highest GST contributor in India is deteriorating due to incompetent governance

Listed above are the problems that usually arise when the BJP forms a government in a state, big or small.

The solution to the various confusions created by the BJP in every state is to say #ByeByeBJP so that it could not never ever adopt Divide and Rule policy

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