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A wife and mum | Content Writer| Contributor @DeetsAcademy | Tweets are informative, Not financial advice

May 10, 2023, 7 tweets

🦅Few Interactions on @FusionX_Finance Testnet for possible rewards


It’s a community driven open-source DeFi ecosystem built on @0xMantle

✨0xMantle is a product of #BitDAO, and is governed by the $BIT community

Cost : 0 funds needed

How to get started?Lets dive in

Request Faucet
Go to
>Click “Connect wallet” you will be prompted to add the network to your MetaMask,follow the prompt and add network

>Click “Send Tweet”

>Authorise your account to accept connection to the site

>Tweet post

>Click “Verify tweet”……

Swap Tokens
>select tokens of choice $BIT $FSX etc.
>input amount
>Approve token spending limit
>click on swap
>confirm swap
>swap successful

You can swap across different tokens for more interaction counts

Add Liquidity to pools
>Click on add liquidity
>Select tokens of choice to add liquidity
>Enable token for transaction
>click “Supply”
>Confirm supply
>Approve transaction in wallet
>Liquidity added successfully

Do Thesame for all the tokens

Remove Liquidity
Go back to the liquidity homepage you will see all the lot you added
>click on any pool of choice
>Click “Remove”
>Enter percentage you want to remove it may be 100% as well
>Enable token spending
>Click on Remove
>click “confirm” and approve transaction in……

For more updates on mantle

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It’s an incentivized testnet
Airdrop confirmed 🦅✅

Wait for more updates soon

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