Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT. Views = own.

May 10, 2023, 17 tweets

Lots of smoke rising over the skyline of Khartoum today as clashes continue between RSF and SAF forces in different areas of the city.

People in Sudan have shared these flyers in a plea for help over what's happening with a water purification plant that services a lot of Khartoum with clean water.

It has been badly damaged and safe access needs to be granted to allow for repairs to be made to the plant.

The water treatment plant in Bahri appears to have been damaged in the initial wave of bombings in Khartoum. In satellite imagery on Google Earth from April 15 we can see a fire in the area, imagery from @planet on April 19 published by @hrw at least one building damaged.

@planet @hrw It has been 26 days since the outbreak of violence in Sudan on April 15, 2023, between SAF and RSF.

Image below shows heat signatures (mainly fires) from NASA FIRMS for the period between April 15 and May 10 in Khartoum. #EyesOnSudan #السودان

Network connectivity in Sudan is down to 4% of its capacity. @netblocks

Sudan needs to stay connected to respond to the dire humanitarian situation unfolding due to the conflict and to keep #EyesOnSudan

Imagery showing change of night light​s in Sudan’s Khartoum showing the loss of light in the city in April and May 2023. H/T @eyes_roger for sharing.

Almost one month in and RSF and SAF have agreed to ‘protect civilians’.

One of the agreements was “commit to prioritizing discussions to achieve a short-term ceasefire to facilitate delivery of emergency humanitarian assistance”…

Incredible damage of Khartoum Airport seen in footage uploaded yesterday. Much of this damage was sustained early on in the April wave of clashes between RSF and SAF.

Sentinel imagery from yesterday (May 12) shows a large smoke plume seen emerging from Khartoum's industrial area, from this location: 15.646370, 32.548382

Timelapse of Sentinel-2 imagery using false color banding over Khartoum between April 15 and May 12 shows numerous smoke plumes.

Large plumes of smoke seen emerging from a fire at the ‘Sudasat’ in the south of Khartoum (الأقمار الصناعية أم حراز)

Location: 15.4112408, 32.5096081.

East Nile Hospital was on fire this morning, reportedly caused by a strike. Footage shows the damaged area.

Footage filmed from inside the East Nile Hospital

Looks like someone captured footage of one of the jets firing over the massive smoke plume near the East Nile hospital in Khartoum this morning

Large fire seen emerging today from Omdurman market area. Geolocation: 15.6462309, 32.4829839

Satellite imagery from @sentinel_hub shows fires in Geneina, West Darfur, Sudan, on May 14. The city has been attacked by 'armed groups and RSF fighters', according to civil rights groups and activists (referenced here:…)

Deployment of tanks and vehicles seen today in Khartoum’s Al Sajjana. Geolocation by @Thms_Pointer to 15.570562, 32.526085

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