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May 10, 2023, 13 tweets

Interoperability is the future.

Today, I added some $ROUTE to my portfolio alongside $CHNG.

I believe this GEM has great potential and could be a HUGE runner in the coming #bull market.

100x is FUD with these use cases

Here's why 👇🧵


Router Protocol ($ROUTE) is a decentralised interoperability protocol that connects different blockchain networks, enabling cross-chain communication and seamless transfer of digital assets.

Router Chain is a Layer 1 blockchain built using Cosmos’ Tendermint Consensus.

The Problems:

❌ Liquidity in the decentralised space is all over the place
❌ So many different L1 and L2 networks that lack cross chain
❌ Projects cannot leverage multiple blockchains when building
❌ Blockchains cannot work in symbiosis which limits progression

The overwhelming issue within the Crypto space is that we now have so many different networks, layers 2's dAPP's etc, all running on different chains.

Projects cannot utilise the tech or liquidity of separate chains... they have to choose one.

So how is $ROUTE fixing this?

Router is fixing this issue by creating a sort of hive mind of all chains.

Each chain connects to the Router chain via relays, and forms a combined network, allowing cross-chain compatibility across networks.

Think of it like a multi-port extension lead, consolidating power.

The two main products Router have are:

1 - The js SDK

This is a Software development kit that enables developers to build cross-chain applications.

dAPP's will be able to utilise multiple chains within their operations within out having to build around it.

The benefits are:

1️⃣ Simplifies interaction with the Router Protocol network for developers
2️⃣ Developers can easily check balances, sign transactions & interact with smart contracts
3️⃣ The SDK facilitates continuous integration and development of cross-chain dApps

2 - Cross Talk

Cross-talk is a genius development that enables contracts on opposing chains to pass info to one another, without having to deploy anything on the Router chain.

Applications can enable cross-chain abilities by simply adding a few lines of code.

The benefits are:

1️⃣ Enabling smooth communication and interoperability across chains
2️⃣ Faster, cheaper, and cross-chain transactions
3️⃣ Better liquidity and asset utilisation by allowing them to flow freely cross chain
4️⃣ Support EVM and non EVM networks

$ROUTE are on a mission to integrate every single chain.

They currently support 16+ chains

They are most definitely not short on partnerships/investors either.

Notable mentions are :

- @coinbase
- @0xPolygonLabs

Along with a solid list of tech partners.

The big boys are backing them.

Price & Chart:

$ROUTE has been consolidating for almost 2 years.

I've added a position here as I think a move is coming soon.

Current Price: $2.16
Current Mcap: $24m
ATH: $15

It's a 7.5x to ATH.

IMO this is a great buy and hold for the #bull.

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