h is seeing hobi Profile picture
#윤기: i’m alive in spite of me • writer 🐯🐱🐿️; MDNI https://t.co/L5KCYIp9oU

May 12, 2023, 41 tweets

#taegiau — where taehyung comes across the prettiest face on a dating app and wants the attractive man in his bed, only to come to find out that yoongi didn’t make the profile and he’s in way over his head.

🔥 social media au w/written parts
🔥 this is a rewrite of an au i began in 2020 but never finished. some things will be the same while others will change. rewriting as we go
🔥 don’t forget to interact!
🔥 no update schedule

0.1 — Yoongi’s friends (Seokjin, Hoseok, and Namjoon)

0.2 — Taehyung’s friends (Jimin and Jungkook)


— 1. there’s no way

— 2. someone’s got some explaining to do…

— 3. pics or it didn’t happen

— 4. don’t ask me

— 5. hurt me but don’t touch her…

— 6. catfish

— 7. a new discovery

— 8. applications now open

— 9. yoongi’s priv acc

— 10. all just a dream

[A/N]: and that’s a wrap to our first update. pls lmk if you’re enjoying and are still interested in this story. i fully intend to complete my first ever baby this time. 🫶 curiouscat.live/buildgot

— 11. meanwhile…

— 12. what goes around comes around

— 13. wait…

— 14. backfire

— 15. back to bed


Yoongi sighed as he threw his phone onto the bed. He flopped back onto the sheets, pulling the blanket up to his chin. He stared intently at the white ceiling—as if all of the answers to the world would magically appear there.

He rolled over onto his side as he brought his knees to his chest and wedged his hands between his thighs. Yoongi closed his eyes as he let out steady puffs of air and refused to think of his inner turmoil.

‘It’s not even worth being upset over,’ he thought to himself as he willed his brain to quiet down so he could fall back asleep.

‘Well, at least one of the things isn’t worth it.’

Yoongi took a deep breath as he squeezed his eyes shut, willing his mind to just turn off.

Overthinking never did him any good and this was no exception.

‘Maybe his boyfriend will be awful and I can make Hobi break up with him,’ Yoongi snorted at his own thought. That was awful of him to think but he was running out of options.

Soon enough, Yoongi’s made up scenarios involving Hoseok lulled him into a dreamless sleep where Yoongi didn’t have to think at all.


— 16. too pretty

— 17. best friend…?


Hoseok and Yoongi were the first to arrive to the restaurant. Hoseok and his boyfriend had decided on an American place—something about craving cheeseburgers and milkshakes.

The pair of friends had already ordered drinks (a sprite for Hoseok and an old fashioned for Yoongi—he had a feeling he was going to need it).

Yoongi nodded along with Hoseok as the younger was gasconading about his new boyfriend, Jimin.

Yoongi was trying to be on his best behavior; smiling when cued, asking questions when the moment called for it.

But the truth was that he wished he was anywhere but here.

He loved Hoseok, more than anything.

Maybe even in a way that he shouldn’t, so he would do anything for him but this… this was almost too much.

Meeting the guy who’s dating your best friend whom you’ve had feelings for since the dawn of time was not ideal, but Yoongi was notionate. Or stupid. Maybe both. Probably both.

“Sorry, Hyung. They should be here any minute. Jiminie said he was running late because he was bringing his friend, too,” Hoseok explained with a heart-shaped grin.

Yoongi had to stop himself from swooning.

“No worries,” he said instead, smiling back at Hoseok. “Do you know who his friend is?”

Hoseok gave him a shrug. “Not really. I just know that he goes by Tae.”

Yoongi’s eyebrows shot up at the name.

‘There’s no way it could be that guy… right? I mean, he’s a catfish for god’s sake! … Isn’t he?’

“Do you know anyone by that name, Hyung?” Hoseok questioned, sipping at his sprite.

“No, I don’t think so…” Yoongi responded, sounding distracted. “It just sounds familiar, that’s all.”

“Mmm,” is all the younger said, lips still wrapped around his straw. He didn’t look very convinced.

Before Yoongi could open his mouth to defend himself, bells were heard from the entrance—a signal that someone had entered.

Both of them turned to look at who was entering the restaurant and Yoongi’s jaw dropped immediately.

— 18. you’ve got to be kidding me

[A/N: to be deleted, do not bookmark]
welcome to the end of the second update. thanks to all of those who are tuning into this story! i hope you’re enjoying it. please let me know what you think and what you think is gonna happen next hehe curiouscat.live/buildgot

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