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May 12, 2023, 8 tweets

Dear @elonmusk,
CC: @Twitter, @TwitterCreators, @TwitterSpaces

Before you pass the Twitter CEO baton over, here are some suggestions on how to improve user experience. Please read these with an open mind:

‣ Make $TWTR Public Again: I want in, I know Twitter will go far under… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Subject: +1 Suggestion
CC: @elonmusk, @lindayacc, @Twitter, @TwitterCreators, @TwitterSpaces

‣ While in Twitter Spaces.. allow us to send private emojis to everyone. Right now it is exclusive to the folks we follow.

Subject: Suggestions for video.
CC: @EdKrassen, @lindayacc, @elonmusk, @Twitter, @TwitterSpaces, @TwitterCreators

‣ Please see the quoted tweet following for the great ideas from @EdKrassen. They should be considered!!!!

Subject: Phone Calls during Space
CC: @elonmusk

‣ While I am being a #SpacesHost some days I get phone calls on my personal phone constantly this causes glitches in Space. I then lose the ability to either hear others or they can’t hear me. I refuse to use Spaces on my work… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Subject: △ 500 DM Cap?
CC: @elonmusk, @lindayacc, @Twitter, @TwitterCreators

‣ Why is there a max on DM’s I can send in a day? This is limiting my interactions and should be fixed to unlimited. Thanks!

Subject: Twitter Space Moderation
CC: @elonmusk, @lindayacc, @Twitter, @TwitterCreators, @TwitterSpace

‣ Twitter Spaces Host should be allowed to appoint a few people as Moderators. We should be able to have multiple mods ontop of 2 Co-Hosts. Moderators are family who… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Subject: Dead Official Twitter Accounts
CC: @elonmusk, @lindayacc

‣ Customer service on Twitter is absolutely horrific and slow. You guys should appoint people to be interactive with the Twitter accounts on a daily basis such as @Twitter, @TwitterCreators, @TwitterSupport,… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Subject: Mute Button
CC: @elonmusk, @lindayacc, @af_mada

‣ Change the “Mute Everyone” button to individually muting people, moderators can help prevent one person from dominating the conversation or derailing it. While the host is doing the show.

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